středa 12. 3. 2025 05:25
Information for participants
I. General information
- The organizer of the festival is the City of Cheb, the organization of the festival is entrusted to the West Bohemian Theatre in Cheb.
- The festival takes place from Thursday 27 June to Sunday 30 June 2024.
- Arrival day – Thursday 27 June until 21:00 (on Friday rehearsals are held from 8:00), departure day is Sunday 30 June after 23:30, or Monday 1 July 2024 until 9:00. The festival ends on Sunday with a final "galashow" at approximately 11:30pm.
- A majorette group or other dance group may participate with the orchestra.
II. Conditions to be fulfilled by orchestras and majorette groups
- Each orchestra must have prepared 4-6 marching pieces for the parade through the city.
- Alt. 1 - " Show Band" orchestras will prepare a show program of approximately 8-12 minutes for individual performances.
- Alt. 2 - Concert Band, Concert orchestras will prepare:
1. 45-minute concert program for the International Festival Concert.
2. 45-60 minute concert program for individual concerts. - Alt. 3 - Depending on the maturity of the orchestra, both a "marching show" and a concert performance may be presented.
III. Accommodation, meals, travel
- The organizer pays for the participants:
1. accommodation in gyms. (If the ensemble prefers to stay in fixed beds, they have to pay [amount to be specified] per person per night (without drivers).
2. full board in school canteens - full board, including travel packages and drinks during rehearsals and programs
3. health service provided by the organiser for the duration of the festival - each participant must have an insurance card
4. a guide for the duration of the stay for each group. - Travel costs are not covered by the organizer!!
IV. How to register for the festival?
- Look bellow this text to find the binding application form, which, completed according to the prescribed points, should be sent by the end of March 2024.
- Upon receipt of the completed application form, the organiser will send the selected orchestras a confirmation of participation, the sheet music for the joint compositions and the preliminary festival programme electronically.
Contact address:
KC Svoboda
Za Mostní branou 5
35002 Cheb
Please note that submitting a completed application form does not automatically make you a participant of the festival.